Working between the northern Georgia landscape and Atlanta cityscape, Horacio Arias-Rodriguez is a second generation Mexican American artist, exploring manhood and identity through domestic spaces, interpersonal relationships, and his cultural heritage. His practice does not work toward giving concrete answers to the questions he is exploring, but rather to allow space for individuals to think critically of their engagements in the spaces within their own lives.

Horacio Arias-Rodriguez (b. 1999) is based in Atlanta, GA and received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography from Georgia State University. His work has appeared in galleries across the United States including Atlanta, Marina Del Rey, and Greenville as well as in publications such as Lenscratch, Der Greif, and Atlanta Center for Photography’s Inaugural Publication.

He is the co-founder of the Latine Grant, alongside his dear friend, Brayan Enriquez, and also currently hosts and facilitates Room 257, a critique group comprised of emerging artists in Atlanta. He is a firm believer in using the arts as a means of educating people on the ongoing social and political issues at hand. | CV | instagram | newsletter