I’ll Forget You Never, I’ll Love You Forever (Ongoing)

In this series, I delve deeply into the profound intimacy that defines my relationship with my partner and the fundamental role her love plays in shaping my existence. Each image is a meditation on the domestic spaces we inhabit together, capturing the essence of our shared life and the intricate and complexities of familial connections that bind us. Through this visual narrative, I seek to convey the thoughts and emotions that permeate my daily life—the constant striving to be a more attentive and loving partner, the desire to be an empathetic and nurturing father, and a more compassionate and self-aware individual.

As I reflect on these aspirations, I am confronted with the notion that living a life solely for my own fulfillment feels increasingly hollow and self-centered. This realization propels me to navigate life with a heightened sense of empathy and purpose, recognizing that my actions and decisions are inextricably linked to the well-being and happiness of those I hold dear. This body of work is a tribute to the enduring bonds of love and family, serving as a poignant reminder that my efforts are dedicated not only to the present but also to honoring the legacy of loved ones from the past and nurturing the promise of the future.